
Jack Antonoff's reaction to Demi Moore shocking Oscar defeat becomes viral

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The Oscars were and are gone, but the fans are taking Jack Antonoff's stunned reaction to Demi Moore's best actress.

The Spirit The 62 -year -old star was generally expected to take the top gong home on Sunday. In one of the biggest surprises in the ceremony, 25-year-old Mikey Madison was announced as a winner for her role in Sean Baker's Stripper comedy Anora.

Antonoff is currently with Magaret Qualley, who played opposite Moore in Body Horror The substance – was nominated for the latter.

The eleven -time musician, who was known for his collaboration with Taylor Swift, was sitting directly behind Moore in the Dolby Theater in Hollywood.

When Madison was announced as a winner, Antonoff seemed to flinch and say “Ooo” before turning to Qualley to his left.

Jack Antonoff reacts when Mikey Madison (left) Demi Moore defeated the 2025 Oscars as the best actress ((ABC)))

A clip of the moment [crying face emojis]. “”

“No, but Jack Antonoff's reaction to Mikey wins that Oscar is so funny,” tweeted another.

“Jack Antonoff's reaction … he had flashbacks,” added a third.

“Jack Antonoff is so real for this,” wrote a fourth.

Moore spoke out on Instagram on Tuesday and congratulated Madison on her victory.

“When this award -winning season comes to an end, I am so overwhelmed by gratitude for this trip,” she wrote in addition to a role in preparation for the Oscars.

“… and very warm congratulations on #mikeymadison – I can't wait to see what you do next [love heart emoji]. “”

Moore was visibly surprised after her Golden Globes won in January, and called it “the first thing she had ever won in her 45-year career in the drama industry.

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She also opened the fact that she had considered leaving the industry.

“Thirty years ago I had a producer who told me that I was a popcorn actress, and at that time I did what I was not allowed to have. That I could make films that make a lot of money, but I couldn't be recognized and I was shopping and I believed that, ”she said.

The actor said she was “at a low point” when the script for The substanceWritten by Coralie Fargeeat, found her way to her. “The universe said to me:” You're not finished yet, “said Moore.