
Man was molested on the train, no help

A viral video triggered outrage after a man had accused a male passenger to kiss him without consent while he was slept in one train. The victim confronted the defendant, who opened openly and claimed that he had done it because he “felt like it”.

Despite the severity of the claim, the answer from spectators was repellent. The defendant's wife repeated the victim to “let go” and nobody joined to support him. The victim asked whether the reaction would have been different if a woman had been in his place.

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“This man, who was sitting here, kissed me violently while I was asleep. Everyone saw it, but nobody supports me, ”he said. “If this had happened to your wife, would you still 'let it'?”

The video shows how the man himself takes the matter in hand, the defendant applies to the collar and the demanding accountability. In the meantime, other passengers remained passive and no authorities intervened.

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The incident raises concerns about the lack of legal protection for men in cases of sexual harassment. While there are strict laws to protect women, men often have difficulty getting justice in similar situations.

Cases like this underline the social double standards in combating harassment and male victims leave little to no justice.

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