
RRB CBT-I results for each, DMS, CMA, CS & MS contributions; Here you will find how to be downloaded | Competition tests

Rrb CBT-I results out the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBS) on Wednesday, 5 March, Announced the Results of the 1st Stage Computer-Based Test (CBT-I) Conducted from December 18, 2024 for Various Posts, including Material Material Superintendent (DMS), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA), Chief Supervisor (CS), and Ministerial Staff (MS) Under Cen No. 03/2024.

The schedule for CBT-II will soon be announced on the official RRB website. The candidates are recommended to further check the portal for updates. (Representative picture) (Santosh Kumar/File)

The candidates in the closer selection can be displayed for the computer-aided test of the 2nd stage (CBT-II). The candidates were elected closer to earnings and preferences. The role of the temporary candidates was published in rising order. However, the list does not show the order of earnings.

Candidates can Check the results From the Visting Official Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) website

Click the link for the region from which you have been released

Click the link for Combined list of CBT 1 results For different contributions

Check your roll number on the results page

A total of 7,951 positions are to be filled with this recruitment drive, including 17 openings for chemical supervisor / research and metallurgical superiors / research, while the remaining 7,934 open spots for junior engineers, depot material -superintendent and chemical and metalurgical assistant roles are shown.

“The candidates who are evaluated in CBT-I to the candidates of their legitimate preference categories are only taken into account during the final selection list for the document verification (DV) according to the CBT II results against their legitimate/qualifying categories,” in accordance with RRB.

The schedule for CBT-II will soon be announced on the official RRB website. The candidates are recommended to further check the portal for updates. In addition, individual results and scorecards can be accessed by registering with the registration number and the date of birth. This facility remains available until March 20, 2025.

The RRB also warned the candidates to fall touts or fraudulent agents who promise the selection in exchange for money. The recruitment process is fully computerized and is based on merit. Candidates should only rely on official RRB notifications for authentic updates.

Note: For more information and updates, see the official RRB website.