
RRB Je result 2025 for CBT 1 Declared, check the steps to download

RRB Je result 2025: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has declared the result for computer -aided test (CBT) -1. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check the result by visiting the official RRB website. The recruitment drive aims to fill 7,951 positions from Junior Engineer (Je), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA), Chemical Supervisor/Research and Metallurgical Supervisor/Research.

Together with the results, RRB also published cut-off markings and scorecards for the CBT 1 test.

The official notification is: “While every care in preparing the result keeps the right to correct accidental errors or typographic/printing errors. 20, 2025.”

The result of RRB per CBT 1 contains the role of the candidates who have qualified for the next stage of the selection process.

RRB Je result 2025: steps to download

Step 1. Go to the RRB regional website.
Step 2. Click the “Result” section on the homepage.
Step 3. Click on the link “CEN-03/2024 Result of the 1st stage CBT for each (IT), DMS and CMA posts.”
Step 4. They are redirected to a result PDF.
Step 5. Download the results and take a hard copy.

Candidates or can visit for further details.