
The Las Cruces police are looking for blade employees in connection with the death of another employee

The Las Cruces police are looking for a tonal employee that they believe that he shot a colleague after a dispute.

According to the Las Cruces police department, 21-year-old Luciano Roman Valente Frias, in connection with the death of 20-year-old Benjamin Hernandez, who worked in the Sonic Drive-in, which was located in the 3471 Foothills, near Mesilla Valley Mall.

The police believe that Frias and Hernandez had come into a fight in the sound drive that ended when Frias took a gun out and was shot.

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According to the shooting, Frias was reported to the scene.

According to the police, Hernandez was declared dead at the crime scene.

The authorities delivered a picture of Frias and described it as 5 '5' 'and weighed around 130 pounds.

Anyone who has information about the shootout or the whereabouts of Frias is asked to call the police under number 575-526-0795.

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