
Gas leak at the College of Health and Human Services | News

A gas leak at the College of Health and Human Services at Indiana State University led to an evacuation early Friday morning on February 28th.

According to Ian Loomis, chief of police at Indiana State University, the leak was first reported at 7:55 a.m. after an employee noticed the smell of petrol. It is believed that the source of the leak in the CHHS kitchen laboratory in room B29 was an oven.

Rescue workers, including the police authority of the Indiana State University, the fire brigade of Terre Haute and the management of Indiana State University, were sent on site. The fire alarm was activated and the construction companies were evacuated as a precaution. An enthusiastic alarm was also issued, which the students and the faculty warned to keep away from the area until security was guaranteed.

“Facility management could insulate and contain the leak by separating the devices and the main gas valve in the room. After it was certain to return, the inmates were allowed to come back in and a successor message was sent, ”said Loomis.

The CHHS building was able to return normal operations again after the all-clear was not reported any injuries at 8:43 a.m., and the university officials have not announced the number of evacuated persons.

Loomis confirmed that no other campus buildings were affected and that the leak was repaired at that time. There are currently no additional reports related to the incident.