
Donald Trump thanks Supreme John Roberts in Viral Joint Address, who was caught in front of the camera – o'clock | Donald Trump, politics | Only Jared: Celebrity messages and gossip and gossip

Another moment of President Donald TrumpThe joint speech to the congress on Tuesday (March 4) becomes viral.

The 78-year-old president can be seen in a viral video Supreme judge John RobertsHe had something else to say what the eyebrows pulled up.

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“Thanks again. Thanks again. I will not forget “,” Trump card told Roberts While he shook his hands before patting him on his shoulder. Take a look at the moment below!

It is not entirely known what Trump card I referred to him, but after the Supreme Court has made several decisions in his favor since he took office in January.

Last year the Supreme Court also decided that Trump cardThe participation in the uprising of January 6th in Capitol did not prevent him from running for the president for another term.

In July 2024, the Supreme Court also decided in favor of an increased immunity of the President in the case of Trump against United States, which indicates that future presidents can violate the law.

Another viral moment during Trump cardThe address came on Tuesday evening when the congress member Al Green was removed from the Capitol according to disorders Trump card Compared to the beginning of his speech.