
The representative of the state of Maine, who is not guilty of criminal prosecution, asks to be at home

Biddeford, Maine (WMTW) – A representative of the State of Maine did not think about domestic violence on Wednesday.

The Rep. Rep. Lucas Lanigan, a Republican from Sanford, entered the authorities on October 28, 2024 after an arrest warrant for his arrest for a serious attack on domestic violence. Two days later he went to court for the first time.

According to the first police report, Lanigan's wife claimed that he strangled her during a home dispute. But while Lanigan's court appearance, his wife claimed that the incident was a misunderstanding.

Wednesday he said that his wife will be revoked the overall cover of Maine and he wants the charges to fall. He also called the case “a witch hunt”.

“I assume that they could make a plea,” said Lanigan. “Hopefully. And unless it is a discharge, I will probably not accept it. I am very sure and the indictment, and I was there that day, and I have witnesses and what you say did not happen, not even to the next.”

He also asked the judge to change his deposit so that he could return home. Lanigan said Maine that he had not been allowed to go home at home for four months and missed his son's 18th birthday.

“It is not what the deposit in the state of Maine is used for,” he said. He said he was allowed to go to medical appointments with his wife, but not at home.