
The suspect was accidentally left behind bars in Washington County because of attempted murder

A man from Washington County, who wanted to make attempted murder, is back behind bars after the district prosecutor was accidentally released from prison.

Samuel Valle was arrested this afternoon and brought directly to the Washington County prison after accidentally released in December.

In the meantime, the local officials about the mishap were very narrow and it remains unclear when or why the 21-year-old Valle was released.

According to the district prosecutor in Washington County, he was sought since he had not appeared for his court appearance last week. This hearing should be suspended in a case of 2023 attempted murder.

Valle did not appear because he was accidentally released from prison in December.

According to online documents, Valle will be charged in several counties, and before his trial last week, the West Moreland County prison said that Valle was in prison in October, where he had remained several court appearances until December.

On December 11th he was convicted, two days later, on December 13th, he was returned to Washington.

In the meantime, the public prosecutor's office in Washington County said that Valle was accidentally released on December 4.

We asked the supervisor and the clerk when Valle was actually released, and both said that it was an open examination with the clerk that all documents were properly treated for his release.

Her office did everything right, although the documents showed that Valle had not been allowed to be released and its deposit was continuously rejected.

The prosecutor said that the investigators had followed Valle for a house in Washington on Wednesday afternoon, where he was arrested and is now back behind bars.

Now the question is: how was he accidentally released and who will be held accountable?

“Obviously, we are happy today that we have arrested this person and that no one else was injured or in danger, especially these officials who have brought their lives into the line today,” said Jason Walsh, Prosecutor's Prosecutor of Washington County. “Obviously, I believe that the district will examine what happened and we will be part of the solution.”

It remains unclear who approved his release or when it happened.

The Washington County representatives published an explanation on Wednesday afternoon after the arrest of Valle: “We work with the County Courts to determine where the error occurred and ensure that it does not happen again.”

Note from the publisher: In an earlier version of this story, he was charged with murder. This is wrong. He was charged with attempted murder.