
Ninja released a new 'swirl' Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine and sells quickly

Ninja started his latest Tik-Tok virus device and we have the feeling that it will be another hit. The latest design by Ninja Creami, the Ninja Swirl, is similar to the original and enables you to create ice cream with the touch of a button. What distinguishes this latest model is that it also distributes Soft -Service ice cream.

At a price of 350 US dollars, it is already up to date on social media platforms. You have to add it to your car while it is still available.

Ninja Swirl ™ from Creami® Soft Serve & Ice Cream Machine

Ninja Swirl from Creami® Soft Serve & Ice Cream Machine costs 350 US dollars. Creami's ninja vortex turns almost everything into ice cream, serve softer and much more at the push of a button.

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How does the ninja vortex work?

The ninja swirl has 13 functions with which you can open everything from soft serve ice to milkshakes and even gelato. It basically works just like the cream. Simply add your ingredients, freeze it for 12-24 hours, then attach the container to the machine and select the desired consistency.

Read Ninja's description of the ninja vertebra below:

“The Ninja Swirl ™ From Creami®, almost everything transforms into ice cream, serving softer and much more at the push of a button. Bring the ice cream parlor with Creamify Technology® – now with soft serve. Create as unique as you do from the entry -level fruit sorbet to protein -rich, low -calorie desserts. Adjusting taste, you control ingredients and create classic, exhausted or swirled treats – the possibilities are endless. “

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