
Announcement by Bexar County, who accidentally spread the announcement for brush fire as actual flames

Bexar County, Texas – An evacuation warning for the Calaveras fire on Tuesday spread further than the intended emergency officials.

In view of the low humidity, the strong winds, the lack of air support and the rapidly moving flames on Tuesday, the district office of emergency management Bexar gave a message for people near the brush fire in the southeast of Bexar County.

Although the evacuation message should be geared towards people in a certain, shaped area, the deputy bcoem boss Michael Morlan said that it assumed that it was assumed that it achieved more people than intended.

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Morlan could not say how many people received the notification, but at least one Ksat viewer who was in Las Vegas at the time stated that it was evacuated by a third-party weather app.

Although the notification and length of the length contained on the ground, the card showed the entire district in the notification indicator.

Morlan said Bcoem would work with his provider to ensure that the incident did not happen again.

“I mean, we are … those who clicked for sending, right? Ultimately, we assume this responsibility that we did that, ”he said.

As soon as the district realized that the notification continued than in the evacuation area, Morlan said that it was canceled.

The city of San Antonio also sent out its own warning that led people into a nearby lower home.

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