
Bemidji drives to St. Paul for the annual “Day in Capitol”.

Over 60 people from Bemidji, from government officials to affected citizens, traveled to St. Paul on Wednesday to see the 18th annual day of Bemidjis in Capitol. The event gives BEIDJI citizens the opportunity to tell representatives and senators in St. Paul for potential means for urban projects.

When tradition began in 2005, many of the legislators in Capitol did not quite understand why Bemidji wanted to meet legislators outside the region. But now the same legislators are looking forward to the city every year.

“Some people have not yet been in the Capitol today, have not yet learned the process, do not know how they can meet with legislators who are not even in our territory,” said Scott Turn, President of the Bemidji region. “You want to hear what is going on in Bemidji, so they are always great things. And then there are things that we come down, and we try with an invoice to be tried, or something else that we can support. “

He continued: “But I think it was a great experience overall, so many good feedback from both the legislators and our group. So it was fun. “

We will take a more detailed look at what was discussed on Thursday evening in Lakeland News on Thursday evening in Capitol Day.