
Means Poppo Siroyo and why can it be viral on social media? Starting in the Mediterranean film

Yogyakarta – The viral phenomenon of “Poppo Siroyo” becomes a hot topic of conversation on social media, especially on Tikok, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). With this Korean sentence, many users make fun memes and videos. What does Popo Siroyo mean and why can it be viral?

The popularity of the expression Poppo Siroyo comes from one of the scenes of the film The Middle See, which has just been released on Netflix. After that, the scene spread quickly and became viral on Tikok and other social media platforms.

Because they often avoid social media, many people are curious about what Poppo Siroyo means and who made it popular for the first time?

The expression “Poppo Siroyo” attracts attention because it has a similar meaning in two different languages. In the context of the film The Middle See, “Poppo” “Kuss” and “Siroyo” means “Don't Want”. The expression can literally be interpreted as “kiss, not wanting”.

Interestingly, “Poppo” () also means “kissing”.

Although it simply means, the cute and delightful expressions of the players in the central none scene “Poppo Siroyo” make it easy to remember and emulate. This inspired Internet users to create different periods of parodies, which ultimately further strengthens the popularity of this expression on social media.

The expression “Poppo Siroyo” appears in a delightful scene between a father, Bhumi (played by Ibrahim Risyad) and his daughter Syria (played by Azkyra Mahira). In the scene, the father asked for a kiss (Poppo) of his son, but the child declined (Siroyo).

This scene then became viral and inspired various parodies and memes on various social media platforms. Spontaneous interactions between father and son, coupled with funny expressions and firm rejections of the child, managed to attract the attention of many spectators. The film material of this moment is widespread, especially at Tikkok.

The privilege of this scene lies in its simplicity. Without special effects or complicated scenes, the natural interactions between father and son actually manage to steal attention. This proves that simple and authentic content can also become viral if it has a strong attraction.

The popularity of “Poppo Siroyo” increases after she received an answer from Minji Newjeans. This reaction makes it even more attractive for K-pop fans. Although the meaning is quite simple, it is exactly this simplicity that makes this sentence so unique and easy to remember.

After the trend of “Poppo Siroyo” on Tikkok had become viral, he quickly spread to various other social media platforms. Many Internet users are creative by creating this phrase parody videos.

Some of these videos show scenarios of everyday life connected to “Poppo Siroyo”. While other visual effects and funny sounds add to strengthen delightful impressions.

The popularity of this trend increases after Minji from Newjeans reacted to the meme “Poppo Siroyo”. This is increasingly known to expression, especially for K-pop fans. Then this also revives the trend with various creative and entertaining content.

Hashtag #Popposiroyo has also become viral on various platforms, accompanied by thousands of unique videos of Internet users. Many funny comments have shown that this expression has become part of internet culture and popular terms in social media.

The phenomenon of “Poppo Siroyo” proves how a simple sentence from a film can become viral. Simplicity, uniqueness and visual attraction from the original scene, paired with the creativity of internet users in the production of parody and memes, makes “Poppo Siroyo” a trend that attracts the attention of many people.

This is a review of the importance of Poppo Siroyo and why this phenomenon can become viral in social media. The viral term Poppo Siroyo started with the film The Middle See, which was recently released on Netfilx. Also read the latest drama in early 2025 to see references.

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