
Queer Coalition to stage the fourth annual transgender day of the visibility -SASHAY -messages

Queer Coalition and Pride will celebrate the transgender day of visibility (TDOV) on Monday, March 31st, with a Sashay around the Central Campus. This event, which has been taking place annually since 2022, aims to highlight transgender members of the Queer community and at the same time promote ally and solidarity.

Everyone is welcome to be present. Queer Coalition invites those who want to join the promenade to wear clearly visible and colorful clothing. Limited manuals are available for the participants. People are also cordially invited to bring their own. The group leaves from the Rosa Parks Room in Watterson Towers around 4:15 p.m. and turns a loop around the quad before returning after comments and community buildings.

As in previous years, communication and marketing at the university will document this event and the ISU police authority supports support. Those who do not want to appear on photos are recommended to go in the back of the group. Please send all questions to