
Football for Fearmongering: The latest tactics that oppose the school in Texas

Will the Choice High School Football school kill in Texas?

This is the latest Fearmond gering tactics used to derail the school in Lone Star State.

Texan Love Football. The state produces the best and most college football players of the nation, which heated up by the epic culture “Friday Night Lights”, which was documented on stage and on the screen.

And think that it somehow allows children to choose a school that meets their needs, will this love kill?

Nothing could be bleak and ridiculous – and more despair.

Opponents for school selection are great in conquering the alarm that the sky falls. They claim and have claimed that the school choice will destroy everything from public schools to the salaries of the teachers and high school athletics.

But we have reached a point of the critical mass. There are enough school selection programs, about 30 and a dozen or more, a form of universal school selection, whereby the income or the postal code requirements are eliminated, which means that we can see what really happens when the students receive decisions.

Football-loving states such as Florida, Georgia and Arkansas have school selection programs and are still successful-on and next to the grid.

In fact, according to governor Greg Abbott, a primary supporter of school selection, Texas is one of the few SEC (South Heasters Conference) states without a school selection.

“Critics of the school selection wrongly claim that the school selection will harm high school football,” said Andrew Maaleris, spokesman for Abbott. “These are the same tired arguments that this vocal minority did in contrast to charter schools 20 years ago, and the high school football in Texas is better today than ever.

“Abbott will not rest until the Texans have heard their voices and the choice of the school is the country's law.”

While opponents know how to bring people in frenzy by saying that the choice threatens something, people love, they never mention that the need for schools, sport and compensation from teachers now now go.

As long as there are children, it will learn, competition and educators who are paid to lead them in these things.

The exact way you learn can change, but the hunger for sport and desire for football will not disappear.

It is also true that changes are uncomfortable.

The choice of school will bring shaking materials and disorders like every new development, but we have to consider who we are dealing with.

Texans are among the greatest, most willing and capable people they will meet. This is the reason for the success of the state.

“Everything is bigger in Texas” is not just a sentence, it is a way of thinking – and a reality (the state could actually put California in the shade over the next two decades to become the largest state). The economy is also booming.

Do we really think that the parents can choose the school that is best for their child, will destroy the sacred grail of Texas football? And even if there are changes, will the Grand-hearted and Can-the-THE people develop solutions in Texas to preserve their love for football and their success for future generations? You can bet that you will be!

As safe as “God's favorite team” still plays in Dallas, they are assured that the Texans do not threaten their football culture that is going. School choice is not a threat. It can cause some temporary shocks, but football will not die here. It can't and it won't.

What do you say, people from Texas? Is their trust in their goodness and will to keep football and adapt it to the refreshing changes in school selection or to give themselves to the fear of keeping their own interests from teacher unions, democrats and the media that intend to preserve their own interests?

To keep Texas a country of opportunities and freedom, let the school assert yourself for school.

The love of football will combine around him to create some new opportunities for some and strengthen the opportunities for others.

Football is here to stay, not the fear and lies.

In 2025 and beyond – and in the Lone Star State – leave freedom.