
The 16 -year -old boy is exposed to criminal charges for drug trafficking

[File photo]

A 16-year-old boy who was arrested on Sunday in a schoolyard in Thessaloniki on suspicion of drug trafficking was released against conditional deposit, according to a prosecutor.

Police officers found him in possession of a backpack with 40 packages of cannabis, which were wrapped in adhesive film and weigh a total of 136.77 grams, two joints, a grater, a precision scale and a wallet with € 395.

He is now becoming criminal charges for drug possession and trade with the aggravating fact that the law was committed within an educational institution.

Two other people, of whom the police believe they were his accomplices, managed to escape.

According to the boy, the boy reported the indictment and claimed that the drugs were not his, but that they were given to him and that he had kept them because he was afraid.

A condition of his release is that he reports to his local police station twice a month.

The boy's 52-year-old mother, who is accused of failing to monitor her child, said. It was also released without conditions.

In the family's house, the police confiscated 2,000 euros in cash and examined their origins.