
31 shots fired, the 2 injured near the Nashville fire brigade

Nashville, Tenn. (WSMV) – The Metro Nashville police authority continues to search for suspects after a shootout injured two people and met a fire brigade from Nashville on Murfreesboro Pike on Wednesday evening and hit a fire brigade in Murfreesboro.

Detectives are currently pursuing leads and checking safety material from the area of ​​Murfreesboro Pike between Hamilton Crossings and Forest View Drive, but no suspects were identified at that time.

MNPD said during the shootout that stray balls bumped into a vehicle that was not involved

Officers on the scene collected 31 mussel covers out of shots that were fired on the street. It is not assumed that it is a street shooting, and the police said it remains unclear whether the shots were fired by a vehicle.

Two people were injured in this shootout: a 24-year-old suffered a wound while a 16-year-old was shot in the cheek. Both injuries are considered not life -threatening according to the MNPD.

According to the Metro Nashville police authority, a teenager was shot and another person is injured after a shootout in the Antioch area.

MNPD reports that it is also unclear whether the two victims were targets at this shootout.

This remains a developing story. Have a look after updates.