
Matrox video live production solutions

Matrox video announces his participation in NAB 2025, where it strengthens its position as a trustworthy supplier of IP-based live production solutions. From April 6th to 9th, the participants of the Booth SL4511 will experience the latest innovations to optimize today's live production workflows and at the same time pave the way for the next generation of IP-based broadcasting.

Matrox video presents its solutions, including Monarch Edge, Convertip, Vion, Avio 2 and Matrox Origin. Monarch Edge is a high-performance IP-based encoder and decoder couple with little latency that supports 4K and multi-HD workflows. At NAB, the company will demonstrate its functions with low latency after, including the latest features for trailer data traffic for remote production and contribution workflows.

As an ultimate ST 2110 and IPMX bridge solution, Matrox Convertip enables the integration between HDMI and SDI for flexible and future AV depreciation. The latest in the series, which is to be demonstrated at NAB, Matrox Convertip SDM, is an Intel Smart Display module (SDM) that supports ST 2110- and IPMX inputs and delivers 4K video video via IP and at the same time ensures compatibility over different systems.

Another new device that you should pay attention to is Matrox Vion, a robust IP video gateway, the multi-channel coding, decoding and transcoding in the formats ST 2110, IPMX, SRT and NDI. At NAB, Matrox video shows the ability of Vion, between NDI, SRT, ST 2110/IPMX and JPEG XS, and demonstrates its versatility in the simultaneous changeover of several streams.

The first NMOS-known, open standard-based ST 2110/IPMX IP KVM ExtenderMatrox Avio 2 provides a superior image quality and performance with the support of a resolution of up to 4K and at the same time offers ultra-low latency, safe remote access and seamless integration across different systems. At NAB, the matrox video shows how AVIO 2 KVMA signals with other ST 2110 devices are native and seamlessly integrated via NMOS.

NAB 2025 will also serve as a platform to promote the introduction of Matrox Origin, an asynchronous media framework for the next generation live production. Matrox Origin is a media-conscious framework that is carried out on standard IT devices so that you can create a software-defined Broadcast infrastructure-OB locally or in the public cloud. It replaces tailor -made Broadcast hardware, which are connected to one -compressed fabric in a distributed fabric with tatters, synchronous protocols such as STI 2110 or SDI with software media services in a distributed Cots.

Finally, the Matrox video will highlight the maps of the DSX LE5 D25 LP and LE6 D100 ST 2110 Network Interface Controller (Nic-Controller (), which enable inexpensive, flexible IP workflows for radio operators. Rich-Matrox-DSX-SDK with media processing, scalable HD-to-8K solutions on Cots hardware.

“Matrox video remains at the top of the innovation and innovative devices that are scalable, interoperable and in the future,” says Spiro Plagakis, Vice President of Product Management at Matrox Video. “At NAB 2025 we look forward to showing the broadcaster, live event producer, OEMs and other industry leaders how our IP technology enables efficient and flexible workflows and at the same time provides the quality and scalability required for the future.”