
The Americans spend over two hours a day with a short video. See which one is at the top of the list

A new zapcap study showed that the Americans spend more than two hours a day to look at short form videos on social media platforms, with Tiktok conducting an engagement in all states.

According to the report, the users have an average of 54 minutes a day on Tikkok, 49 minutes on YouTube shorts and 33 minutes on Instagram rolls. In most states, Tikkok accounts for more than an hour of daily screen time and consistently exceeds colleagues on social media.

Ohio leads the short video consumption in total, with users spend 148 minutes on platforms every day. Massachusetts, Montana, Rhode Island and Illinois follow exactly, all on average at least 145 minutes a day. Despite somewhat low use, states such as North Carolina, New Jersey, Wyoming and Minnesota are still approaching two hours a day.

Tikok dominates the commitment

Tikkok is still the most appealing platform in which users in Ohio, Utah and North Dakota are over an hour a day. The study finds that Instagram roles do not yet have to exceed in a state despite the investment of Meta in the time.

“Short form videos revolutionize digital media,” said Jessica Bui, spokeswoman for Zapcap, who has credited the extension of AI for growth in popularity. “AI-driven tools have changed video production so that the creators can easily produce high-quality videos.”

Effects of AI and short form content

The report shows the increasing role of artificial intelligence in creating content. A-generated clips and virtual influencers are becoming increasingly popular in states with high consumption such as California and New York.

However, the study also indicates concerns associated with the short -formed video consumption, including the spread of misinformation, increasing anxiety and shorter attention span.

“Since AI makes the creation of content more accessible, both developers and consumers have to take care of these technologies,” said Bui. “By developing skills on media literacy and by determining deliberate limits, we can minimize negative effects and at the same time enjoy the advantages of these platforms.”

The New Jersey Digest is a New Jersey magazine that has recorded daily life in the garden state for over 10 years.