
The MPs of Florida Keys arrested man naked to us 1, says Sheriff

Key Largo, Fla. – Several calls about a ruthless driver in the Florida Keys prompted MPs to discover a man in his birthday suit, who danced on the 1st Wednesday on USAM 1st Wednesday.

McSO -MP arrested Timothy Mahoney, 55, from Montgomery, New York, because of DUI, drug possession and resistance to arrest.

The agency's spokesman, Adam Linhardt, said that the dispatchers would have received 110 calls near Mile Marker near Mile Marker shortly before a ruthless driver, including that the suspect met a few cones near Mile Marker 108 near the Jewfish Creek, where he stopped.

“Mahoney was outside of his truck and only wore a hardhat building, but otherwise naked – danced to the music,” said Linhardt. “Mahoney tried to smoke marijuana out of a pipe while he was arrested. He was brought into prison. “

The authorities did not state the song Mahoney allegedly danced when the MPs arrived.

Online records show that it was held in McSos Key West prison from Thursday.

It is to be charged on March 19.

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