
SVPD arrested the 62-year-old man in the examination of the sex attack at Kinder-Press Banner

The SCOTTS Valley police authority announced this afternoon that she arrested Anthony Pujals (62) as part of an investigation of historical allegations for sexual attacks by children.

Pujals was custody on March 5 near Mountain View Home and booked to the Santa Cruz County prison for several crimes for serious attacks on child costs, the department on her Facebook page said.

In December 1997, an 11-year-old girl and her two sisters were put in the care of her aunt and uncle in Scotts Valley, wrote a spokesman and added the following year that the 11-year-old victim was sexually attacked by her uncle Anthony Pujals.

Suspects are considered innocent until they have been proven in court.

SVPD officials say that the attacks ended at the end of 1998 when Pujals were arrested for domestic violence and the children were returned to their mother.

The now adult victim, but those affected additional people could recently reported abuse, the police said.

A photo of the arrest was published on the SVPD Facebook page. (SVPD)

A second victim was identified during the months of examination, said SVPD and added that this person was 11 years old in 1988 when she was living with her half-sister and husband of her sister anthony Pujals (in Huntington Beach).

The police said she lived with the Pujals for about a year and reported that she had experienced repeated sexual assault during this time.

“After a thorough investigation, the case of the public prosecutor's office of the Santa Cruz district was presented, which led to an arrest warrant against Pujals for several crimes for serious sexual attacks by a child,” said a SVPD spokesman in an release. “These charges result from the crimes committed against the first survivor, since the limitation laws prevented criminal prosecution for crimes against the second survivor.

“The Scotts Valley Police Department praises the bravery of these people to persecute justice. Your courage not only is looking for an accountability for past crimes, but also helps to protect others from potential damage. “

People with additional information on this case are asked to contact the Scotts Valley Police Department (831) 440-5670 or the Tipline under (831) 212-5139.