
Chicago Heights Crematory accused not to properly save 100 corpses in the trailer – NBC Chicago

A crematory in Chicago Heights was closed, while the Illinois Competroller office examines the alleged non -proper storage of around 100 corpses in the furnishings.

The Illinois Funeral Directors Association received a tip with photos last month showing the body in a trailer at the Heights Crematory location, 230 E. 11th St.

Heights Crematory has been closed on February 19 since the state investigation began when the investigators have informed the owners of the facility that they cannot take new cases until they delete the inventory, said Pallasch.

Around 23 corpses still have to be cremated from Thursday, said Pallasch, but the majority of these cases are missing documentation, such as:

Heights Crematory faces up to 5,000 US dollars with fines for every violation, and his Krematory license could be revoked during the examination of the Compotroller office.

The investigators have been working on the crematory since closed to monitor the company and ensure compliance with state regulations.

The office of the Illinois Compotroller, which supervises cemeteries, crematoriums and funeral companies privately owned, cited Height CroMatory for similar violations after three surprise inspections last year, said Pallasch.

Heights Crematory did not respond to a request for comments.