
Don't be afraid of 'jumping ahead' – tips to avoid sleep problems

Every spring we look forward to getting the days longer. In exchange, we lose an hour of sleep when the clock jumps forward every March, which often worries about the effects on your sleep.

According to Saisaketh Javvaji, do, Sleep Medicine doctor of the Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh, the start of the daily rescue period can lead to fear. After all, the transition in every spring leads more than just an hour of sleep. It leads to a shift in our circadian rhythm, the 24-hour cycle, which regulates sleep, appetite and mood of our body.

A study showed that people sleep 40 minutes less on Monday after they were “flown forward”. This “Sleepy Monday” describes the phenomenon of increased fatal car accidents, hospital stays for diseases such as heart attacks or atrial fibrillation and a general feeling of drowsiness that people can experience. The misalignment of our circadian rhythm can also lead to accumulated sleep debt while our body is adapting to the new normal, said Dr. Javvaji.

Although most people quickly adapt to the change, others can experience chronic sleep loss. If this is not treated, this can lead to increased blood pressure and heart diseases, weight gain, reduced immune function and the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Tips for a smooth transition to summer time for daylight

· Adjust your schedule the previous week. For a few days up to daylight, wake up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than you would normally do.

· Light light up when waking up. If you expose your eyes to the sunlight, you can repeat your circadian rhythm and consider it, to get outside in order to train moderately when you wake up.

· Go a good night's sleep before the change. Expect the change by sticking to your normal bedtime and down -routines on Saturday before.

· Avoid caffeine or alcohol before going to bed. The consumption of alcoholic or caffeinated drinks can disrupt your sleep and reduce the quality of your sleep.

· Look at a nap. If you feel dazed in the days after the start of daylight, make a short nap (20 minutes or less). Nick not close to bed.

For most people, the rescue time in daylight should only temporarily disturb their sleep, but people with symptoms of sleep disorders – daytime sleepiness, difficulties falling asleep, restlessness when sleeping or atypical breathing – should talk to their basic supplier or a specialist for sleep medicine. These symptoms are often present before changing the time and passed for weeks to months beyond the time of daylight. Dr. Javvaji, is a specialist for sleep doctors at UPMC Sleep Medicine. Readers find an UPMC Sleep Medicine provider near you.