
The 15 best video games inspired by comics

15. X-Men Arcade (1992)

Some games are just great games, others are so great that they are moments in time. Konami X-Men The arcade game is a lively, electrifying snapshot of the X-Men hype of the 90s. In the 90s in front of the gigantic, disgusting arcade cabinet and decided from one of six X-Men on the squad (Colossus, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler and wonderful, delightful, Dazzler) and button-mashing, which are filled with classic X-Villains.

Nailing the graphic in a comic game is crucial, and Konami does this with the cartoonist, rough but stylish designs and environments. But maybe more than any other game on this list, X-Men delivers in the sound department on a different level. The title song is still rocking, the stage issues are unapologist tables retro and the sound effects and language patterns are incredibly exaggerated (Colossus' “Ooooaaaaahhh !!!” is never funny).

14. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

Sometimes a licensed game is announced, in which the fans let their heads scratch and ask themselves who asked for a newly placed rip -off of the current video game. And then there are games like Scott Pilgrim against the worldwho make the meaning in the world. The 2D-beat-up-sidescroller was published within days after the beloved Brian Lee O'malley graphics novel was adapted. In contrast to the live action film, the game is set about the appearance of the comedy, but filtered by a 16/32-bit lens. It captures the fearful comedy of the books and fits hard in O'malley's world.

As a beat -'- up, the game is deeper than most others, with a progression system and a sharp, addictive struggle, which feels less grinding the grind. If the game really shines, it is when four players join together. In this game there is a special sauce in four-player mode, which for some reason is twice as much fun as playing a group. The screen that turns into the chaos while your crew flows through waves of enemies makes you incredibly funny and easily deserves this spun adaptation on our list.

13. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

While a large part of the gaming world is waiting for insomniacs with a breath of breath Marvels WolverineIt is important to remember that Raven software has already played a great Wolverine action game in the form of 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine. A bloody, God of war-As -like game with shiny struggle, coarse -grained pictures and exciting kinematics. It is something like a unicorn because it is much, much better than the film on which it is based.

The fight of the game can repeat itself after hours of the game, but what gives the game legs are the graphics and the incredibly high Gore level, which is more than appropriate given the Logan's, well. Hugh Jackman has repeated his role for the game, which gives a lot of value, especially in a world in which Deadpool & Wolverine existed.