
China online shops sell “Bankboden” from top institutions for 120 US dollars, claims that it brings assets

Online shops in China sell so-called banking so-called banking and claim that he was excavated from outside the large Chinese banks and can bring buyers prosperity and happiness.

The price for the “banking floor” can reach up to 888 yuan (120 US dollars) per part.

The trend product is said to come from green belts outside the banks, potted plants in banklobbies or even dust of money counting machines.

An online provider offers four types of soil, and claims by five large banks, the Bank of China, the China Industrial and Trade Bank, the Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and the Bank of Communications were charged, whereby the cheapest part costs only 24 yuan ($ 3).

A sales employee said: “This floor is manually collected by the five large banks and is assumed that it improves prosperity and dissolves poor energy, although we cannot scientifically prove this.

Online providers send videos in which the floor is excavated to customers from outside of banks. Photo: Weibo

“Bank soil is collected by the green belts in front of these banks at night, not just from a certain finance.”