
Generali sees the record operation in 2024 as a GWP at € 95.2 billion

Generali showed that his operating result in 2024 rose to a record of 7.295 billion euros, which is due to a positive performance in all business segments, including a significant contribution by Asset & Wealth Management.

By breaking this record number 2024, the P&C operating result from Generali rose to € 3.052 billion (+5.1%), whereby a combined ratio was confirmed in 94%despite a reduced benefit of discounting.

In the meantime, the life department of life rose to € 3.982 billion (+6.6%), whereby the new business value improved to € 2.383 billion (+2.3%).

The Segment Asset & Wealth Management recorded a significant increase in its operating result and reached EUR 1.176 billion (+22.6%).

At the same time, Generali's adjusted net result for 2024 rose to a record of 3.769 billion euros, which highlights the positive effects of its diversified sources of winning.

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This performance was carried out despite the significantly lower net realization gains compared to 2023.

Generali's gross bonuses also rose in 2024 and reached 95.2 billion euros, an increase of 14.9% compared to 2023. According to the company, this was due to the growth mentioned above during its lifespan and in P&C segments.

Philippe Donnet, CEO of the Generali Group, commented on the results: “Generali achieved excellent results in 2024, handed down our financial goals and successfully finished our strategy plan” Lifetime Partner 24: Promotion of Growth “.

“These results reflect our ability to ensure consistent organic growth in every segment through the management campaigns we have carried out and at the same time successfully integrate all companies we acquired.

“The group today is in the strongest position in its history, which was demonstrated by our record -ended and adapted net results, which is achieved thanks to the efforts and engagement of our people and our distribution network.

“We change and diversify our group as a leading global integrated insurer and asset manager and now focus on the acceleration of our struts for excellence. Our ambitious new plan for lifelong partners 27: Excellence to increase will promote strong profit growth, solid cash generation and increased remuneration for shareholders.

“This is further reinforced by our AI and data functions, which improve our ability to consistently capture the possibilities through quickly changing customer needs and emerging trends.”

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