
Today 30 years ago: Radiohead published the bends

On this day, Radiohead released her legendary second album 30 years ago, The bends. The project with classic tracks such as “High and Dry”, “Fake Plastic Trees” and “Street Spirit (Fade Out)” achieved the project in 4th place in the British charts. 30 years of celebrations The bends, We look back on a classic interview …

Originally published in Hot press in 1995:

Brian Wilson once tried to behead brother Dennis with a pelvis, Liam and Noel Gallagher Exchange Regular Kung Fu steps on stage, and Colin and Jon Greenwood occasionally shout each other. Pretty loud.

YUH, demons from hell from hell You are in your hands with guitars, but in the sibling rivalry department the fraternal radiohead couple are a dead loss.

“What? Easy Colin, who is the oldest of the two with a room frame 27.” I think there are a few people at EMI who would not mind that we will attend stress misalignment course because the violence between the gangs seems to be the last anger at the moment. It is a standard question that we have asked, and I always feel guilty: “Well, no, we have not recently received each other to the hospital.” I think I respect him as a person and musician about the normal fraternal thing.

Forget the comedy, you just have to see a look through your average Pearl Jam/Smashing Pumpkins/Hole interview to see that the new rock 'n' roll is incessant storm. Radiohead, on the other hand, belongs to this terribly ignorant past era, in which it was not regarded as a lifelong prison in the singing prison without hope for probation as a lifelong prison sentence.

“Here, too, there were interviews especially in America in which I felt guilty because we are not close to the point of self-destruction,” the bass player reflects. “If someone is so fair enough, they should say it, but there are groups that are loaded as sales games, and I think that is unforgivably calculated and potentially harmful to the people who take their word as a gospel. Write the words.”

In fact, the front man of Radiohead from a small but perfectly shaped front man: “I don't want to furnish myself again. I had letters from Death Row, boys who killed people, and they react to the texts on 'Creep'.

When Yorke became of his innermost personal thoughts that became public property The bends -A album that is so full of self -contempt that you almost expect it to switch off in reviews.

“Most of the really creative people who came across conflicts,” continues Greenwood. “You mentioned Pearl Jam a moment – well, I don't think Eddie Vedder can write the songs that he does when the tension was missing from his life. Obviously I can't speak for Thom, but in general in Radiohead there was always a lack of trust and the desire to see as an outsider.

Between you, me and Hot press' Half a dozen readers, how does Thom achieve on the miseronymometometer?

“If you have caught him while he wrote his texts, probably a '7' or '8', but he is a reasonably optimistic kind of person. It's not easy – you put things in a song because it is too difficult to speak directly, and you are expected to discuss detailed detailed detailed details with a total detail.

I risk ex-communication from the boyzone fan club because I have spoken out such heresy, but there are moments The bends When the sheer, tailor -made intensity of York's texts shows most of today's pop music for the hollow appearance it is. I use the word “pop”, because no matter how dark the topic is, radiohead never loses the fact that you need a decent catch to hang it up.

While her most recent press was almost embarrassed, there was a time when Greenwood and Co. were exposed to free abuse that makes them throw in rock 'n' roll and record Yak stove in Tibet. Could this have something to do with the fact that Radiohead university graduates as graduates as graduates as graduates as graduates as graduates as a graduate for Cor-Blimey-Stone-Crow-and-Make-no-Mistake-Missus Cockney Wideboys?

“I don't think it was particularly like that,” Profers Colin. “Most guitar music in Great Britain are the product of bands that have the money to be able to afford the equipment, and point out to the middle class. The first guitar I had when I was 15 I bought, but my mother helped Jonny, and there was always a few quid when we needed new strings.

“The main reason, I think that certain journalists reacted to us in an enemy way, that we did not match what they tried to press at that time. We weren't dancing, we weren't political, we were not political and we didn't have particularly big cheekbones, we could have developed a chase complex, but to be honest, everything we would rather prove to protect ourselves that we have falsely decided!”

Too bloody damn reasonable, that is Radiohead's problem. After Colin had made his way to Cambridge through a crazy aberration of the British education system, he started to devote himself to College's officer so that he could book the band in which he was at the time for exorbitant fees.

“Actually, we made a fairly sophisticated cover of Elvis Costellos 'Pump IT Up',” laughs Greenwood, who obviously overcome the shame of being associated with a combination that was called on a Friday. “With a gig we had couples who trembled on the lawn that I would like to attribute to the seductive properties of our music, but I would say that I had more to do with the large amounts of beer that had been consumed.”

What did his mother make of Colin to move the professions to get his back to one of these acid smokers, cannabis-injecting rock 'n' scooter?

“She was not too concerned about me because I had already graduated, but she thought our manager was the son of Satan because he was Jonny from the first year Pablo honey I thought of you, which I never had to tell her that it was masturbation. Wanking is one of the topics that you cannot really increase at dinner on Sunday meals. “

Not, unless there is cream -colored pudding on the menu. As a vengeful small lawn, I have to admit that I fell flat on Monday, suede and the miracle, which was flat on her overnight faces in America Advertising board Top 20.

“Nobody was surprised than that happened than we did,” reflects Colin. “We really thought Pablo honey Was a good album, but you just have to look at the Smiths or the Jam to realize that quality is not always what looks through the states. In fact, it all runs on one song – like “Creep” – which is distinguishable enough to grasp people's ideas and is pumped on MTV 24 hours a day. Another half -contrary track is useful if you want to be played on the album Radio, but it doesn't matter whether the rest of the record man. “

After the financial rewards that can be in America The bends Does not contain a single moment that could be called the “son of crawling”.

“Someone recently told me: 'It has to be great not to prove anything anymore', and I told them: 'You have to joke!' There are many people who have already withdrawn to the outsider as a one-song band to prepare our own label for us, we looked “indie”, but we had a complete nonsense.

As an enthusiastic amateur rock 'n' roll psychologist, I found that British bands that the states do not crack always blend in a state of rejection from Bill Clinton to Colonel Sanders because they are unable to convert the baseball masses, although it is their own arrogance.

“The attitude that the Americans annoyed Melodiemacher Last week. This certainly happened with suede in 1993, although I fairly not believe that the record company got it so far that everything they did would be an anti-climate of.

“There is also another working morality in the states. Bands are quite ready to spend six months constantly on the street, which we are not used to in Great Britain, where the racetrack is a maximum of 20 or 30 gigs. You have to really equip yourself psychologically in this type of long -stretching box because it is not just mentally. I am not married or serious friend, our wife, a woman and severe Return systems goes through when he is not with her.

Sorry while I secretly dab a tear from my eye. What do radioheads do if you are not a great blousy of Bigy S, SAPY GIRL, for kicks?

“What, apart from our crochet and flower arrangements?” Greenwood Deadpans. “The same stuff as you probably.”

And there I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the sheer animal police of Philately!

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