
San Andreas is approaching 40 m –

Combined lifelong downloads of the ~ 100 games in Netflix published on Netflix have together and analyzed and analyzed by Appmagic data from

From March 12, 2025, Lifetime installations for Netflix games according to the data are a little more than 295 m downloads. Netflix's Top -Title GTA: San Andreas has been near the 40 -M brand since the start in December 2023.

New release squid game: Unleashed quickly became the second most common game of the platform, with an estimated 18.8 m installations. It was published in December 2024 before the second season of the HIT show and is available to all mobile players, regardless of whether it is a subscriber from Netflix or not.

Annapurnas storyteller continues to play well in service, with almost 18 million downloads so far.

GTA: Vice City remains Netflix's seventh titles “Netflix” with 9.5-meter installations, even though they were removed from the service in December 2024. Rockstars GTA III was removed at the same time after collecting 4.1 million downloads.

Netflix Games Lifetime Downloads: 11-20

11. Netflix stories (Boss fight): 7.1 m
12. Writing (Electric noir): 6.1 m
13. Foreign things: 1984 (Bonusxp): 5.9 m
14. Sonic Mania Plus (Labor 42): 5.2 m
15. Too hot to handle 3 3 (Nanobit): 4.6 m
16. Sonic Prime Dash (Sega Hardlight): 4.55 m
17. Solitaire (Mobilityware): 4.2m
18. Too hot to handle 2 (Nanobit): 4.1 m
19. GTA III (Rockstar): 4.1 m
20. Foreign things 3 (Bonus XP): 4M

Outside of the top ten, Netflix users seem to be interested in well-known brands, family-friendly titles and narrative games. There are two sound games in the 11-20 clip above, a simple Solitaire title and four dating/narrative-led title net stories, Skriptic and two titles that are too hot on the hit of the streaming platform to process the show.

Obviously, the above lifelong download table is distorted by the time that the games were available. A look at downloads from the last 30 days (below) shows us what is currently on the service. The following Appmagic estimates are also based here.

Apart from the expected TOP Twa: San Andreas and Squid Game, we can see the SIM Civilization IV strategy published in December 2024, which recently performed well. Sonic Mania Plus is also a consistent and solid artist, but was not long enough in service to disturb the lifespan that the top ten still installed.

The presence of two recently published romantic games that are too hot to edit 3 and Secrets by episode also shows us the current popularity of more reality TV gaming tariffs that aim at this “non-gamer” audience.

Indeed, outside of this top ten, UK Studio UStwo games in the performance of Monument Valley 3 is a little disappointed. In December 2024, a lot of fanfare was released and has just passed 2 million downloads in the service in around three months and is currently in 24th place in the last 30 days.

These diagrams also tell us why Netflix is ​​disappointed with gamer indie and Double A tariff and focuses more on family-friendly or known IP titles. The lower three actors of lifelong downloads are original -indie games Lucky Luna, Poinpy and Oxenfree II.

The latter title may no longer qualify as an indie game-es was made by the Netflix Night School Studio. Nevertheless, it is surprising to see a top-class “triple-i” game rock on the download list. A little more than 300,000 installations have been created since the start in July 2023, while Lucky Luna and Poinpy are not much further ahead in mid -2022.