
Vacancy rates for teachers in England, report finds | Teacher

The teachers in England leave the classroom about the deterioration in the behavior of the student, stagnating payment and inflexible work practices and, according to a report, leave the vacancies at their highest prize.

It warned that the issue of expenses of this month was the “last chance” of the government to fulfill the manifesto to hire 6,500 additional teachers in state schools, since younger teachers have continued to give up their job since the covid pandemic and fewer classes register as a trainee.

According to the National Foundation for Education Research (Nfer), more than six apprenticeships were not occupied in 1,000 each last year, twice as high as the vacancy rate, which is higher before the Covid pandemic in 2020 and six times than the first level of vacancies of the NFER in 2010.

Jack Worth, the school employee of the Nfer and co-author of the report, said: “The recruitment and commitment of teachers in England remains in a dangerous state and is a significant risk of the quality of education.

“The time for half measures is over. Fully financed salary increases that make the payment of teachers more competitive are important to keep the teachers in the classroom and attract new recruits. “

The Nfer said that the behavior of the student was “one of the fastest growing employees of the teacher workload since the pandemic and was probably associated with the mental health and challenges of the students to support children with special educational needs.

“Teacher and [school] The perception of student behavior in your school in your school has deteriorated considerably since 2021-22, while the proportion of teachers who say that they spend too much time to react to student behavior has increased significantly, ”the report said.

It called for the government to “develop a new approach to the support of schools to improve the behavior of the student”, which were strengthened by improved support services and additional funds in the expenditure check to keep more teachers.

Patrick Roach, the General Secretary of the NasuwT teaching union, said: “This report underlines our demands for a national staff plan to provide a strategic approach for the provision of the improvements required for payment, the workload, the behavior of the student and other working conditions, which are currently being combated by the factors that have decided on the selection of a career in teaching, and the existing ones Push teachers to leave the profession. “

A spokesman for the Department of Education (DFE) said: “The recruitment and storage of great teachers in our classrooms is of crucial importance for the improvement of life opportunities for all children. We are committed to resetting the relationship with the educational workforce and working with them in order to restore lessons as an attractive, expert profession.

“The work has already started as part of our change plan to recruit a further 6,500 expert teachers, including 233 million GBP to encourage more talented people to the classroom, subject to subjects, including mathematics, physics, chemistry and computers.

“In addition to the Pay Award of 5.5% announced last year, we take measures to support the well -being of the teachers and to facilitate the pressure of work, including the encouragement of the schools, to work more flexibly to their employees so that more teachers remain at work.”

The Nfer reported that the class sizes were used higher and more unrestricted or unspecificist teachers to close gaps in topics such as physics.

The problems were worsened by the repeated failures of the DFE, the sufficient trainee teachers. The NFer said, although the increase of 5.5% last year repaired the wage levels for 2010 in real terms, the DFE increase of the DFE for 2025-26 was “a missed opportunity to make further profits in recruitment”.

Other reasons for the Exodus from the workforce were the inability of the profession to adopt some of the hybrids and flexible work regulations introduced in other parts of the graduates of pandemic.

The Nfer said that headmaster could help to make flexible work practices to improve teacher loyalty, e.g.