
Upprb Constable Recruitment 2023: Holi gift for police aspirants as an end result for 60,244 contributions

The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRB), which had set thousands of aspirants of police jobs, said on Thursday, one day before Holi, the final results of the recruitment test of the UP Police Constable Recruitment 2023. were reserved. The results were published on the official website of the Administrative Council

As part of the state's reservation directive, 20% of the total positions were reserved. (Collected)

UPPRB director Rajeev Krishna congratulated the selected candidate and announced that those who appeared for the exam could check their results using their registration or roll number. “Together with the results, the board published the names, roll numbers and other details of the candidates,” he added.

A senior board officer shared the limit for different categories. The limit for 24,102 posts was set at 225.75926 for the unauthorized category. The limit for dependent Freedom Fighters was 93,44588, while it was 114,44987 for former army staff and 212.11992 for the category “Unhorn Women”.

For the category of economically weaker section (EWS), which had 6,024 post, the limit was 209,26396 for men and 193,20711 for women. In the Backward Castes (OBC) category, which is 16,264 positions, the limit was 216,58607 for men, 80,32114 for OBC's former army staff and 200,95709 for women.

For the planned category with 12,650 posts, the limit was 196.17614 for men and 180,09816 for women. The limit value for the category (ST), which had 1,204 post, was 170,03020 for men and 146,62768 for women.

The final results were declared after the documents checked and the physical endurance tests. A total of 1.74,317 candidates were drawn into the closer election for these rounds from the 34.6 LAKH candidates who appeared in the written exam. The written examination took place on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 2024 in 10 layers, whereby the results were announced on November 11, 2024. The document check and the physical tests for the candidates in the selection list were carried out in January and February 2025.

Of the 48.17 LAKH candidates who applied for, around 34.6 Lakh appeared for the exam. As part of the state's reservation directive, 20% of the total positions were reserved. In the final selection, 48,195 male candidates and 12,049 female candidates were recruited.