
Cyberpunk 2077 Free download adds new “Story Driven” erting, which you can grasp now – PC

One reason to return to the night town

Cyberpunk 2077 It's already full of things on his highly detailed open world card.

From the main missions to side quests, collector's pieces, random events and the chance to put down some cyber psychos Cyberpunk 2077.

Take a look at the next generation update start trail Cyberpunk 2077 below!

Since the CD Projekt -Red title is placed in such a unique environment, it is no wonder that fans are for one reason to spend more time there, and luckily this mod allows exactly that.

Created by Questrunner, Disappear from 8ug8ear is a custom mod with which the players can go a lot of story -oriented quest with a lot of action.

In addition, this mod shows the Quest Runner function, in which the players can build their own multi-stage quests.

First, however, the Disappear from 8ug8ear follows the story of Cyberpunk 2077 'S Beatrice Ellen Trieste, also known as 8UG8EAR, who has not been seen or heard in the past few months after a secret job.

One day you will receive an emergency message from you. But is it really from her?

As a result, you will deal with the mission to find out what happened to 8ug8ear and determine whether it is dead or alive.

However, this mission only begins when they manage to save them “warmer” in the quest.

In addition, the Quest Runner function can be downloaded free of charge, and the description is as follows:

“This is the first mission that Quest Runner uses. It is a new system with which every custom missions can create with several phases.

Such a difficult endeavor makes it much easier. It offers a structure that follows without holding too much hand. It offers you the full flexibility for the use of code via the configuration. “

This is one of the only many free downloads that are available Cyberpunk 2077 Fans to make fans even more lively and damn chaotic.

Selected photo certificate: CD Project Red

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Project Red, PC, Mods