
Record heat, heavy evening storms possible

Rochester, Minn. (KTTC) – The sunny sky and a southeastern breeze today help the temperatures in the 1960s. Near record heat will be in our area today and on Friday. Expect high temperatures this afternoon in the mid -1960s, with a southeast breeze reaching 15 miles per hour in the afternoon.

High temperatures will be a light southeastern breeze today in the 1960s.(KTTC)
Today's temperatures will be almost the record level in the afternoon.
Today's temperatures will be almost the record level in the afternoon.(KTTC)

The temperatures will float most of the night in the low 50s, with gusty south winds pull for a warm air. We will have good conditions for looking at the lunar eclipse after 1 a.m. this evening.

A lunar eclipse will be visible this evening. The highlight occurs at 1:59 a.m.
A lunar eclipse will be visible this evening. The highlight occurs at 1:59 a.m.(KTTC)

Friday will be bright and windy with record temperatures in the mid -1970s. Southeast winds are a large part of the day over 30 miles per hour. A number of strong to heavy thunderstorms are expected to develop in our West and move around the area between 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Our area lies in the daily outlook from the Storm Prediction Center for five years. Large hail and harmful gusts of wind will be possible on Friday evening.

Damaged wind gusts will be possible late Friday afternoon and evening. Some hail are ...
Damaged wind gusts will be possible late Friday afternoon and evening. Some hail will also be possible.(KTTC)
The temperatures will be on Friday in the 70s, record area for the day.
The temperatures will be on Friday in the 70s, record area for the day.(KTTC)

The temperatures fall on Saturday morning from the upper 40s to the 1930s in the afternoon and change the chances of rain in snow showers. However, it gets little when a grass -covered accumulation is expected. A gusty northwest wind holds most of the day the wind cooling values ​​in the 20s and 30s.

Strong thunderstorms will be possible on Friday evening. Rain will have the chance to illuminate snow showers ...
Strong thunderstorms will be possible on Friday evening. Rain will have the chance to illuminate snow showers on Saturday. Next Wednesday there is a chance of light to moderate snowfall.(KTTC)

Sunday is windy and cold with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures close to 40 degrees.

Monday will be sunny and mild. High temperatures will take place in the upper 50s. It will be the first time in 2022 that our temperatures will be warmer than the seasonal average on St. Patrick's Day.

After a day of warmth on Friday, the temperatures will be colder this weekend. Heavy storms ...
After a day of warmth on Friday, the temperatures will be colder this weekend. On Saturday, heavy storms with rain and snow will be possible on Friday evening. Next Wednesday there is a chance of snow.(KTTC)

After a bright and mild Tuesday, a storm system will bring a chance to snow next Wednesday with temperatures in the seasonally cold upper 30s and low 40s. On Wednesday, mainly in the morning, an accumulation is possible.

After a Friday on Friday, the temperature will be cool this weekend with more of these season law.
After a Friday on Friday, Temps will be cool this weekend with more of these March -like temperatures in the coming week.(KTTC)

My one -minute forecast for Thursday, March 13, 2025. Today you can expect readings with readings in the 1960s. Friday was contained in the mid -1970s gusty winds and temperatures. Storm is a possibility after Friday at 5 p.m. The temperatures fall on Saturday until the 1930s with snow showers in the late afternoon. The high temperatures will take place on Monday at St. Patrick's Day in the 1950s. #kttcwx #weatherman #weather #Minnesota

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