
Vintage film material of the 1980 opening of Boise Mall becomes viral

Boise has changed so much in recent years and with so many new people there have been many changes. People do different things in this city that they were years ago and should live as cool as it was to live in Boise, now it was cool many years ago. We have had a lot lately

Before Boise was booming as if it were a time when Boise was only a small town, and sometimes people seem to forget it. Recently, with all the people who move here, it seems that locals are all their best efforts to help everyone who now live here, to recognize what Boise was once.

Film material from the opening of the Boise Town Square Mall

Gallery loan: Shannon Buccola

A new video recently conquered the Internet in the storm and shows what Boise looked like in the 1940s. The old videos from 1945 reappeared on Tikkok and have people who both lived here forever, and people who remember how our city looked like before.

Then more videos from the 1980s have just reached the Internet and it shows a number of people hanging around on skateboards in the city center of Boise. Certainly this would no longer be possible because the city is busy, but how cool it is that this has not been shot for so long!

Now we see more video recordings about what Boise looked like earlier, and this video comes from when the Boise Town Square Mall opened in the 1980s. It is definitely not the same shopping center that we all know, but it's super cool to see the number of people who were excited that it was opened!