
Promise of value canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

With Canva's promise of value, you can create a match between the wishes and what your company offers. It supports them in the invention and improvement of promises of values ​​according to the broken ones of companies.

The promise of value canvas consists of two parts: the customer profile and the value card.

  • In the customer profile, you describe customer tasks, pain and profits.
  • In the Value card you describe your product, painkillers and profits creator.

With better insights you create products and services that customers want.

As the strategyzer says, you can use the value creation adjustment canvas to:

  • Define your customer's most important jobs, the pain that you are faced with when you try to do your future jobs and the profits you do by obtaining your work.
  • Visualize the value you create – define the most important components of your offer on how to relieve pain and achieve profits for your customers.
  • Reach the product market adjustment-Adjust your promise of values ​​based on the findings that you have gained from customer evidence and you can reach the product market adjustment.

If you follow the step -for -step guide for better business, start the adjustment of value and always start with the customer. First get a conversation with your team about who your customer is. Use the persona screen to outline the person you concentrate on.

As soon as you have decided to concentrate on, write on Post-it about which jobs your customers have to do. Don't just think of functional jobs. Find social (work with others) and emotional (feelings) jobs. Is your customer, for example, someone who has to cover a long distance to go to work when you consider designing a promise of value for cars? Or is your customer someone who does frequent activities with the family? These are different people, with different needs that need different products to do their work

As soon as you have completed the right side of the canvas, move to the left. First list a few options that may discuss the future jobs that come to mind. They combine these ideas into a clearly defined product/service that achieves profits and relieves pain in this way that the task accessible by systems is addressed in a unique way that resonates with their customer.

If you use this canvas, think differently about your customers and about what you offer you. In addition, your customers will think about why you have commissioned you to meet your needs at all.

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