
Researchers use new methods to date the old skeleton

Scientists have dated a child's old skeleton who attracted a lot of attention because it seemed to have both human and Neanderthal qualities.

The almost complete skeleton, which was first discovered in Central Portugal 27 years ago, had red. Scientists believe that it could have been wrapped in painted animal skin before the funeral.

When the remains were discovered, scientists found that part of the bone structure of Neanderthals looked. The researchers suggested that the child's ancestors came from population groups in which people and Neanderthals combined and mixed. The idea was radical at that time.

But since then, progress in genetics has shown that these mixed populations existed – and people still wear Neanderthals genetic material or DNA today.

But scientists had problems learning when exactly the child lived. Due to the corruption of the remains by plants or other sources, they could not use traditional carbon dating on the bones. Instead, researchers dated some Charcoal and animal bones around the skeleton up to between 27,700 and 29,700 years.

However, the dating techniques have improved since then. Researchers have recently reported in the publication Science progress That they dated the skeleton by measuring part of a protein that was mainly found in human bones.

The researchers examined part of a crushed arm and found that the previous estimate was tight. They report that the skeleton is between 27,700 and 28,600 years.

File – The file photo on Wednesday, January 8, 2003, shows a reconstructed Neanderthal skeleton, right and a modern human skeleton in the Museum of Natural History in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

Bethan Linscott from the University of Miami is a student writer. Linscott told the Associated Press (AP): “The child felt that they would give them a little bit of their history.” She described research experience as a privilege, which means an honor.

Linscott noticed that the first discovery was more than just a skeleton, but also a tomb of a small child. When she was together with the bones, she said that she could no other than ask who loved the child, what made her laugh and looked like her world in the short four years in which she went on the planet.

Paul Petttitt is an archaeologist at Durham University in England, which was not involved in the study. He told the AP that the study is an example of how effective dating methods become and do scientists to better understand the past.

The studies where people came from Portraits Of our parents and grandparents, ”said the student clerk João Zilhão from the University of Lisbon.

“It is a way to remember,” said the archaeologist.

I am John Russell.

Adithi Ramakrishnan reported on this story for the Associated Press. John Russell adapted it for VOA who learns English.


Words in this story

radical – adj. Very different from the usual or traditional

Charcoal – N. a dark or black carbon made of vegetable or animal substances prepared

portrait – N. A picture of a person