
Benson Bones “Beautiful Things” a hit miracle? He has released 2 new singles that sank without trace

Does Benson Boone don't seem to be omnipresent at the moment?

He is turned everywhere again and turned car wheels while he looked like a musical Jack Lalanne (look at children.)

Bones song “Beautiful Things” celebrates for a year in the charts. It is streamlined that it has sold over 7.4 million equivalent copies. About 400,000 are actually paid downloads.

But what is still new? Since Bone's album “Fireworks & Rollerblades” hit the charts in April 2024, the singer has done a Fortune tour and sang his hit for fans.

Now, however, it seems as if he's a hit miracle. In August 2024 he published his first new song, “Furre Slowly”. It did nothing.

Less than a month ago – on February 27 – Boone “Sorry, I'm there for someone else.” He was interviewed about it by Zane Low in Apple Radio and there is a video.

But “sorry” has never stated. There is no indication that someone knows that it has been published. The video has only 1.7 million views, which doesn't mean much.

Is that? Or does Boone have any surprises? I think we'll wait and see. In the meantime, “beautiful things” are still in the top 20. He will sing it long after singing after we are all gone.