
Run and run through the record books – Pacific Index

Ally Hammond talks about the domination of the route season

Photo by Aaron Brewer

“I'll be honest, running track is difficult,” says Pacific's own trackstar Ally Hammond. She continues: “I played a lot of sports, but after a game after a hard training or running, I have never been so tired, even if it is only 200 meters. That may sound crazy, but this feeling of pure exhaustion is a bit addicted because you know that you have given everything. ”

Hammond is a field sprinter and a hurdle who shows their commitment and commitment to their craft every time their shoes touch the route. Hammond in Forest Grove explains that her parents and coaches really encouraged them and the reasons are why they started in sixth grade. “My parents and coaches from my youth sport always knew how fast I was. My father really made me try it and I've run since then, ”says Hammond.

She also talks about how impressive her father was for her sporty career, on and off the route. “He is my biggest fan and my biggest supporter who always picks me up when I'm down. I went through a difficult patch after Covid and I wanted to deal with track due to my lack of progress, but my father encouraged me to continue trying and continuing my career in college. If he hadn't pushed me that way, I wouldn't do this sport today, ”admits Hammond.

In the past three years, Hammond has been a staple for Pacifics Track Team and an example of what it means to be dedicated to sport. This commitment results from her last school years when she played several sports before finally deciding to concentrate exclusively on the right way for her college career. “I played a lot of sports when I was younger. Softball, volleyball, football for a long time and I dealt with Cross Country in the high school, but my favorite sport, who grew up on and through the high school, was basketball. It was my main sport for years, for which I was most famous in the high school. When I decided to continue doing college sports, the decision was to fall basketball and concentrate on the track. But I thought I could just as well put all my eggs in a basket and it paid off. Throughout the year training with a concentration, my performance has definitely increased. I wouldn't have done it any other way – the track has proven to be the most fun and rewarding, ”explains Hammond.

This year Hammond was on fire, broke several records and improved their personal documents every week. Your previous great achievements can be attributed to the goals that she has determined for herself. “I have set very big goals for myself. Some may think they are unrealistic, but I think they are what keeps me running, ”comments Hammond. “Overall, I would like to stop all of my school records this year, which in my opinion is even more worthwhile than winning a race.” She continues: “For the inside season I wanted PRS in my 60 -m, 60 -m hurdles and 200 m, which I have all reached. However, the big goal was to qualify for internal workers. You have to participate in this event among the top 20 of all athletes of Division III to go. I did that, my PR in the 60 m hurdles brought me into a safe place. Pacific University has always brought only one athlete in Indoor National, and I will be the first hurdle/sprinter in school history. I have many as far as the outdoor gates are concerned. Here, too, I would like to cancel my records and PR again in all my events. For the NWC Conference Meeting I hope that I can take first place in the 100 -M hurdles, 100 m and 200 m. But I have a good competition and I am ready for the challenge. Finally, I would like to have fun and be proud of myself, no matter what happens, ”Hammond ends, summarizing a high amount of expectations for yourself.

Hammond's experience was not only on the track, but also by the wayside. She attributes this to her teammates, which she describes as a family. “I love everyone in my team. The amount of the support that I get from various event groups is flawless. They encourage and congratulate me, just like me. Team culture really makes experience so much better, and I am grateful that I oblige to bring some of my best friends. But we also push ourselves. My hurdle training group is strong. We have a newcomer, Mikell Adler, who is very fast. I will say that my trainer Ryan Hunter-Simm, to which I contribute most of my success. He made me from a pretty good athlete to a national level competing athletes. We have the perfect balance between hard and fun, which can be rare these days. A great trainer makes a great athlete, and not everyone was as lucky as me on this matter, ”explains Hammond.

Hammond will take part in the national championships of the NCAA Division III on March 14th and 15th in Rochester. The eight top finishers are considered an all-American, where Hammond plans to specify their name.