
Jane Hedengren smashes the national record of 5k

Jane Hedengren continues to define the distance of the high school and delivers a historical performance at the Nike Indoor Nationals in 2025 by shattering the National High School Indoor 5K record with a stunning period of 15: 13.26. The previous brand of 15: 28.90, which was determined by Elizabeth Leachman in March 2024, was just over a year before Hedengren held it with her relentless pace and her relentless perseverance. This performance also marks a new U20 -American record and this year it takes 13th place for the event at the senior level for American women.

All-time girl in the interiors 5k times

Hedengren was not only in history. From the opening rounds, the two asserted themselves on the front of the race and included a blisterful pace that quickly separated them from the rest of the field. Shortly after the Mile brand, they started to loosen and when they met the 2000 m split, it was a two-run duel to the finish. Blade voted for almost the entire race on the Hedengren step, but in the last 100 meters, Hedengren dissolved a degree to secure victory.

2025 Nin Girls 5K results

This record -breaking effort is only the latest in Hedengrens spectacular season. In February, it was best to set the high school in the 3200 m with an output of 9: 37.50 in the Simplot Games-An performance, which was made even more remarkable by the fact that it was achieved on 4,500 feet survey. During this time she only placed seconds behind Mary Cain's legendary 2-mile interior record when she was adapted to the height. At the beginning of the season, she also achieved an impressive 4: 36.23 mile at high height and continued to strengthen her dominance over several distances.

As a senior, Hedengren has already arrested herself as one of the largest runners in the high school distance of all time, but she still has enough time to rewrite the record books. With the upcoming outdoor season, your legacy is far from finished and more historical achievements are almost certainly on the horizon.