
The 20-year-old woman who was arrested for Chevy Chase Carjacking shoots

The investigators took five weeks before MPD issued an arrest warrant against the arrest of the 20-year-old on Monday.

Chevy Chase, Md. – accused when he tried to take a man in Chevy Chase to Carjack, was arrested by the Montgomery County police department in her house on Thursday.

Roniyah Thomas, 20, from District Heights, was charged for violent carjacking on February 4 near the intersection of South Park Avenue and the Hills Plaza in Chevy Chase.

A spokesman for the department described Carjacking, who finally put a man in the hospital with the “serious injuries” according to officers.

“The victim was outside of his gray in 2023 Subaru when an armed suspicious suspicious approach and demanded his car keys,” said an MPD spokesman on Thursday. “When the victim opposed himself, the suspect shot him before he ran away from the scene.”

It took five weeks before MPD issued an arrest warrant against the arrest of 20-year-old Thomas on Monday. The officials carried out this arrest on Thursday in the house of Thomas' District Heights, the woman because of attempted murder, first degree attack and tried Carjacking.

From Thursday evening, Thomas was still waiting for a hearing in the central processing unit of Montgomery County.