
Fema gives tips for removing rubble from your property

Bowling Green, Ky. (WBKO) -After serious storms and floods from February, Kentucky home owners may have questions or concerns how storm carriers can be removed from their private property.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has given some tips that may be helpful.

Include debris, but not limited to:

  • Vegetative debris
  • Construction and demolition waste
  • sand
  • dirt
  • Slick
  • gravel
  • rock
  • Boulder
  • White goods (large household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines)
  • Vehicle and shipwrack

The agency says that people should be aware that snow -related activities, including street ringing, are not regarded as debris operations, since snow is not regarded as a form of rubble.

Removing rubble can be a challenging task. As a homeowner, you can remove debris or set help with insurance settlements.

Previous reporting:

You can also help remove the storm carriers of the citizens of the citizens to remove the private sector and voluntary organizations.

The local governments often sell from disaster waste that private owners place on the edge of the switch -on system on a planned date on the track pack.