
Fema sets temporary workers in fire zones in Southern California

The Federal Emergency Management Agency plans to stop more than two dozen time -consumed to support the efforts to recover fire protection in South California.

The agency announced the extended workforce on Thursday and said that the new employees would help both in the disaster areas of Eaton and Palisades.

The workers are hired for four months and may have their jobs, depending on the need, said a Fema spokesman.

26 positions are available in acquisitions, civil rights, external matters, operations for disaster training training, reduction in danger, human resources, individual support, information technology, personnel resources and other areas.

In an announcement by FEMA it says that the accelerated setting process should quickly expand its workforce and at the same time ensure that he benefits from the local knowledge of the employees from the area of ​​Los Angeles.

“Local rental work is part of an accelerated process that helps to quickly expand the Fema workforce and at the same time offer communities in which jobs are lost due to a disaster due to a disaster,” offer economic incentives and good employment opportunities, “said Fema spokesman La-Tanga, said in a statement.

The hiring field promised “many advantages” of the federal employment, including “excellent advantages, flexible work plans, opportunities for professional growth, stability and lateral movements about agencies”.

Non -profit groups that support federal authorities have declared that the attitude in view of the massive reductions can be hindered in many federal authorities, which is recently ordered by the Trump government. The supporters said that the federal employment seems to be less stable than at all times in recent times.

Further information on the jobs can be found in USAJOBS.Gov.