
Jones County Football welcomes the new head coach Justin Montgomery

The new head coach of Greyhounds, Justin Montgomery, grew up in Georgia, and several family members live in a 30-mile radius of the school.

Jones County, Ga.-The football by Jones County, joins a new era for the 2025-26 season.

Parents and members of the community welcomed the Justin Montgomery, the new head coach of the Jones County Football program, on Thursday evening with a Meet & Greet event.

“We started talking about difficult times that don't take. Hard people do it,” said Montgomery. “And these are our basic values. It is difficult, it is truth, property, unity, gratitude and honor, and we will teach our boys how to live every day.”

He spent over 12 years to improve his coaching skills before taking the position in Jones County. A lot went into the decision. But the family helped him bring his talents on the belling. Trainer Montgomery grew up in Georgia and several family members live in a radius of 30 miles of the school.

“I am happy to educate my children here, but it is also just a place where you can take a young man from elementary school to middle school to the high school,” said Montgomery. “Because it is a school system for a district and sparked me with our program through our development process.”

He said he did not hold “family meetings” – he calls them “family meetings”. The goals are clearly presented for the group before spring practice begins on April 30th.

“It was easy to see how the boys took it and we will be,” said Montgomery. “And this is a unique place. Our school system here you get children who work hard, and they know how to be disciplined, detailed and they know how you are hard.”

Montgomery is working on building his coaching team, but already sees the buy-in of the community.

“The people here are fantastic. They are happy about this football program,” said coach Montgomery.

You know what you want to see from the new era in JC – victories and championships.

“We have a very rich football tradition here in Jones County, and I fully expect someone to come in like coach Montgomery, take on football and bring Jones County's football to the highest level that we have seen so far,” said Bert Rosenberger from Jones County.

The next step for the squad is the growth of the team's binding.

“It's just gel.

Include the new member members.

  • David Denson – Tight end coach coach

  • Alexis Humphries -defensive -line trainer

  • Nathan Robertson – Specialists Trainer

  • Adam Gillhouse – Director of Football Operations

  • Taylor Williams – coordinator for strength and conditioning

Other employees are on the horizon for the New Jones County Football employee. The list is updated when further positions are officially filled.