
Amnesty Day is back for Belmont County | News, sports, jobs

TL Photo/Gage Vota Belmont County Northern Division Richter Adam Myser and court clerk Colleen Ivan in Belmont County Northern Division are preparing for the second annual Amnesty Day on March 24th in the building of the Belmont Court Court in 52160 National Road, St. Clairsville, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

St. Claireville – The judge of the Northern Division of Belmont County, Adam Myser, will organize the second annual Amnesty Day on March 24th.

The event takes place in the Belmont County Court Building in the 52160 National Road, St. Clairsville, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Myser said

“Amnesty Day is an opportunity for people who have a suspended license to come to court and look for amnesty without having to pay for all their return fees.” he said.

He added that representatives of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles will be present to record the resident's license and find out what the status is and whether they are suspended. Once you have determined the status, you will go through why the license of the individual is exposed.

“Many people will qualify for amnesty, which means that they can receive between 90 and 100% of a waiver for their restoration fees, which means that they may be valid on the spot,” they may be valid. “ Said Myser.

He added that there are 54 options for a resident of receiving a suspended license in the state of Ohio.

“There may be other ways to raise your license holders,” Said Myser. “For example, if you have a traffic embroidery on a County Court and do not appear, we put an owner on your license. So on the same day we can hold a court session to fulfill a copy of your quote, to talk to you about what is going on with the quote and to raise this owner.

“There are some people who may need insurance, and we have a representative here who can provide you with SR 22 Insurance Police.” Myser added. “There are some people who may have an owner for the support of children. We will have a representative of Belmont County Job and Family Services who include them in a payment plan and can actually remove money and start in their payment plan to increase the suspension.”

He added that if he is placed in a person's license, he not only added that his license is exposed, but also prevented it from registering a motor vehicle and prevents you from maintaining or updating his license.

Myser said that the idea of ​​the courts in Belmont County came that several people would come through the court with the suspension of crimes.

“Instead of continuing to have a case, they are guilty of this case, and then we give them free, and then they obviously go to break this system and maintain them or to help them get a valid license.” he said. “For a day from the year we roll up our sleeves, come with them and say:” What do we have to do to be valid? “Most people can be valid, so … we have to wipe some old re -termination fees, or we have to include them in a new payment plan. Some others only have a variety of different options for helping you.

Myser added that he understood that people who participate on the AMNESTIESTAGE could drive under a suspended license and want to inform the public that he does not have the intention of having the police in front of the door to hold the people who may have been illegally driven into the event.

Last year it was the first time that the court held the event, and Myser said it was a hit success.

“Last year we had 99 people, of whom we helped 70.” he said.

He added that the 29 people who could not be helped was due to the fact that they were residents of Belmont County, but their restriction from a different jurisdiction. Myers added that, although he was unable to help them, he told them, where they had to solve their problems.

“This was an initiative that we started last year that turned out to be very advantageous and very fertile for everyone. It helped the dishes to clean up old cases. It helped these people to receive valid licenses. It really helped collect job and family services in delinquent rejections for the support of children. So it was a huge win-win-win situation for everyone that we wanted to keep this initiative going. “ He said.

Further information on the Amnesty Day can be found at 740-676-4490 to the Northern Division of the Belmont County Court.

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