
The compensation of the San Jose police with homeless people who were recorded on video under evaluation

A homeless person who is accused of videos of the incident in part show how the police reacted. A video shows at least one officer who repeatedly beats the man while being captured by several officers. Officials say that the incident is checked.

The NAACP submitted a formal complaint against the San Jose police in connection with the incident that took place on Tuesday. They say the police violated their own guidelines.

The police say that the homeless had bitten one of the officials when they held him. Officers can be seen how they talk about the bite in the video that is shared about the incident.

The police said they reacted to Fruitvale and Leigh Avenues for an indecent exposure report at around 8 p.m. The 911 caller informed the police that she saw the same man the day before masturbating.

The police said when they arrived, the suspect ran to civil servants and actively opposed.

The suspect was arrested and is now with minor injuries in the prison of Santa Clara County. He was booked for indecent exposure, resistance to the arrest and battery of an officer.

Both SJPD and San Jose, Matt Mahan, said that the incident had been checked to determine whether the officials acted within the legal and department directive.

The San Jose Police Officers Association announced KTVU that they would make an explanation of this incident.

The videos

The most violent video comes from Dominic C., who did not want to give his complete last name. An officer can be seen how he beats the homeless five times while holding on the ground.

Jennette Holzworth's video begins with “her back on her back” when at least four officials surround the man who seems to be hidden. At least one officer kneels the suspect.

“I understand. You deserve to be safe,” Holzworth can tell the police. An officer tells her that she has the right to ask questions and ask questions, but he instructs her to support herself.

Moments when the suspect's clothing must be opened because he covers his head and covered his face are captured in the video. When an officer asks: “Oscar, will you be cold with us?” Oscar is compliant and says: “Yes” while he is insured with his arms behind his back.

In the meantime, the officers of Holzworth indicate supporting themselves. Holzworth tells the officials that she has the farm in front of.

Holzworth continues to interact with the police in the video and says that she knows that the suspect is historic and mentally ill, but never felt threatened by him.

An officer threatens to arrest Holzworth if she has no distance. He explains that someone else called the police and that they felt threatened by the suspect.

“I understand, but that doesn't mean pushing the shit out of it,” says Holzworth to the officer.

Holzworth's video also shows the officers who speak to each other.

“Human bites infect more than dog bites, animal bites … they are disgusting.”

Another voice can be heard how the suspect “probably brushes his teeth”. Laughing among the officers can be heard. At that time there is a large police presence at the scene.

The NAACP submitted a formal complaint against the San Jose police for an incident that took place on March 11, 2025.

NAACP complaint

The chapter of San Jose Silicon Valley of the NAACP described the video material “disturbing” and “dehumanizing”.

In their complaint, they identify the homeless as an Oscar. They say the police had attacked “Oscars, mental illnesses and status as unmaying”.

They also said that they received several complaints about this incident, including concerns about the racist prejudices.

“The police authority in San Jose has a disturbing story in which it use disproportionately violence against black and brown population groups,” says her complaint.

“The excessive force used, while several officers hold back Oscar, the resistance of which was hindered by his clothing, underlines the inequality of violence used by the officials present,” said Naacp in her explanation.

They said the officials continued to use violence while Oscar was handcuffs and reserved.

Reaction of the mayor

What you say:

Mayor Mahan commented on the video on Thursday. “The application of violence is even if it is justified to observe difficult,” he said. The mayor said the police department examined all the uses of violence to ensure that the officials follow the law. He said this incident had been checked.

“I was also in contact with our independent police reduction to ensure that his office is aware and committed. But the truth is that the suspect should have been inside and care without uncovering himself in a neighborhood,” said Mahan.

“This is another example of why I ask our district to expand the treatment options for those who live and die on our streets,” said Mahan.

The mayor said someone from the neighborhood called 911 because she was afraid that a homeless person was allegedly masturbating outside of her residence.

Mahan argued if the suspect was given the care he needed, the 911 call would not have been hit at all. He completed his explanation by describing San Jose as one of the safest big cities in the country, and thanked the police for their work.

The city of San Jose has only expanded a ban on sleeping in the city center this week. Proponents said that the criminalization of the homeless is not the right one.

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