
Are the legislators of Florida try to prevent people from checking the weather?

Tallahassee, Fla. -It may sound far -fetched, but it could soon be law.

The legislators in Florida discuss a proposal that prevents people from controlling the weather.

The draft law (SB 56) aims to ban “geoengineering and weather modification activities” in the state. This includes the release of chemicals or substances in the atmosphere to influence intensity in terms of factors such as temperature, weather, climate or sunlight.

According to legislative analysts, examples of this type of activities are as follows:

  • Skyscraper – A procedure with tiny particles such as silveriodide to trigger the formation of ice crystals in clouds, causing precipitation

A graphic on page 4 of the legislative analysis that Cloud Seeding shows (Public domain)
  • Solar radiation change ((SRM)-Supervious large-scale measures that aim to reduce the global average surface temperatures by increasing the reflection of the sunlight outside of the earth.

A NOAA graphic to demonstrate methods of SRM on page 3 of the legislative analysis for SB 56 (2025), (2025) (Noaa)
    • Stratospheric aerosolinjection ((Sai) – A strategy in which small reflective aerosols such as sulfate are injected into the stratosphere in order to increase the reflection of the incoming sunlight.

    • Marine cloud whistle ((MCB)-A strategy for adding aerosol to the lower atmosphere via ocean regions in order to increase the reflection capacity of low-lying sea clouds.

    • Cirrus cloud dilution -A strategy for changing the properties of ice clouds at great altitude in order to increase the transmission of the outgoing terrestrial radiation to space.

    • Surface alcohol improvement -How the reflection capacity of surfaces through things like white roofs or land cover changes.

    • Room -based methods – Appeared methods have considered large “mirrors” in the room to reflect on the sunlight.

The analysis states that Bundesverfitte SRM examined in 2023 as a means of combating climate change, in particular the SAI and MCB methods.

In the meantime, the cloud seed was used in the past to arrange for the snowfall over mountainous areas. However, the technology was also examined in the hope of weakening large storms and hurricanes.

“If they are used successfully, Cloud Seeding reservoirs and groundwater leaders can potentially replenish and improve agricultural productivity,” the analysis says. “However, some challenges hinder the development and effective implementation of cloud seeding, including a limited scientific understanding, uncertain environmental impacts and insufficient data acquisition.”

Legislative analysts do not exhibit silver iodide at the current level, but a further widespread use could possibly have other environmental or health concerns.

The state has needed a license for weather change activities since 1957, whereby punishments are not pursued for the non -prosecution of the law, including a fine of up to 500 US dollars.

However, this invoice would ban this type of activities as a whole and increase the fine to a maximum of $ 100,000. All funds collected by these fines would then get to combat air pollution.

From Thursday, the draft law is to be discussed by a Senate Committee on March 18.

If approved during the legislative period, the draft law would come into force on July 1st.

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