
Early coordination plan for Cobb Boc districts 2 & 4 special elections set set

By Mark Woolsey

Early voting data was determined for the special elections of April 29, in which voters will select two members of the Cobb County Commission.

The Cobb Elections Board decided that the early vote on Saturday, April 19th at two locations begins from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The main elections in Cobb County and the Voter Registration Office in Marietta and in the South Cobb Community Center.

No vote will take place on Easter Sunday, April 20.

The vote will be picked up again on Monday, April 21st to Friday, April 25, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at all four premature voting processes. The main office, the South Cobb Community Center, the Smyrna Community Center and the Old Clarksdale Park Community Center.

There is no vote from April 26th to 28th.

The breed of District 2 fits former state representatives and democratic erick all against the Republicans Alicia Adams. In District 4, the incumbent commissioner and democrat Monique Sheffield will be hopeful Matthew Hardwick.

On April 29, voters will go to their assigned polling stations. You can check the voting locations and whether you are registered by traveling on the Foreign Minister's website on the My Voter page. (