
Irish pubs, food, dances and Kennedys


  • Cape Cod offers a variety of events and restaurants to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
  • The Scapicchios bakery, known for its Italian pastries, also offers a coveted Irish soda bread.
  • O'Sheas Olde in West Dennis offers a traditional Irish pub atmosphere with live music and Irish specialties.

Thousands of people celebrated St. Patrick's Day on March 8, by looking at the 20th annual parade of Cape Cod St. Patrick's Day, Route 28 in South Yarmouth. This parade is traditionally planned for a week before the big day so as not to conflict with the Bostoner Parade.

But now, with St. Patrick's Day on Monday, the holiday is so close that you can only feel the goblins that collapse in fields with four leaves. The question is: What will you do to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and what do you have to eat there?

We offer these 5 suggestions:

1. Guinness roast Irish lamk pot and homemade corned beef, cabbage in Yarmouth

Chef Joe Cizynski prepares a buffet in the Cape Cod cultural center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, March 17th. The Irish dinner includes Guinness roast Irish Lammtopf, homemade corned beef, cabbage and root vegetables, Dubliner roasted Irish salmon with dill cucumbers, Irish-Soda bread and special St. Patrick's Day Desserts. This is a Byob event. So you can bring your favorite wine or beer. Price: $ 80. To register, visit Cultural or by phone at 508-394-7100. Culture Center of Cape Cod, 307 Old Main St., South Yarmouth.

2. Scapicchios SodaBar in Yarmouth

You may not be expected to find praising Irish soda bread in an Italian bakery, but that is exactly what many people find and rave.

“We sell a lot of it. Over the years, people have discovered how damp it is – I think it is usually dry – and they wrote very friendly reviews online, ”said Angela Scapicchio, who works with her father, the bakery owner Matthew Scapicchio. The older Scapicchio does all the baking.

The 8-inch round Irish Soda bread sells for $ 8. All breads contain raisins, but you can choose with or without caraway seeds.

The bakery in the 941 Route 28 in South Yarmouth had a hard January, said Angela Scapicchio, because the Route 28 construction hindered the access of customers from both directions. It is better now, but she asked potential customers to convert her GPS and to get into the bakery in the bakery when the traffic of the Route 28 is slow.

“It's funny because so many people come in and say:” I can't believe that my favorite -irish -soda bread comes from an Italian bakery, “she said.

The Scapicchios bakery will sell Irish soda bread until Monday, March 17th. The bakery also sells Zeppols for the St. Joseph's Day on March 19 and ordered Easter, especially for pizza -iana, a 35 dollar cake that is heavily loaded with eggs, ricotta and cold meat. Pizzachienna is usually pre -ordered on Friday or Saturday before Easter from April 18 to 19 of April this year.

“Easter is a big holiday here,” said Scapicchio and noticed that her father will already add hot crucifixion buns and to add rabbit -shaped confectionery and egg bread closer to the holiday.

3. JFK Museum in Hyannis, lunch in the AULD triangle

This third recommendation comes from the Boston Irish Tourism Association, which promotes a visit to the John F. Kennedy Museum on Main Street in Hyannis, followed by lunch in the nearby Auld Triangle Irish Pub and Restaurant as well as accommodations in the Cape Cod Irish Village.

Kennedy was the first Irish Catholic president and kept a summer house in Hyannisport, which was called Kennedy site, on which members of his big clan still gather. The Kennedys sailed regularly and played football on the big lawn. Several weddings took place in the coastal object in Hyannisport, including that of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1986 and recently the wedding for Ethel Kennedy's granddaughter Mariah Kennedy Cuomo and Tellef Lundwevall.

If you visit the AULD Irish Pub & Restaurant from 12 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. on Sunday, March 16, you will meet people who learn to dance an Irish American country social dance. Register via the pub website to participate.

4. Music and Irish specialties in O'Sheas Olde in Dennis

O'Sheas Olde in West Dennis refers as a “pub in the Irish tradition in New England”, a description that is well organized by the monthly event calendar. The only time that the pub is quiet is on Wednesdays when it is closed. Listen to local musicians or pay $ 10 to take part in a stand-up dance class. Musicians gather around the wood stove and sometimes lend quietly between sets. If there was a dog on site, it would feel completely like a pub in Ireland.

In addition to the pot of Lammtopf or famous Corned Beef and Kohl Egg rolls at O'Shea's, you will find Irish specialties in the AULD triangle, Keltic Kitchen Scallies Irish Alehouse, Liam Maguire's Irish Pub, the Chatham Squire and more because everyone is in Irish on a patrict day.

5. 'So that you can face the rising sun,' Woods Hole Film Festival

The Woods Hole Film Festival Dinner & A Movie Series will continue on Saturday, March 15, with the “Start -up drama” “” So that they stand up to the rising sun “. The film begins at 7 p.m. in the Redfield Auditorium of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the 45 Water Street, Woods Hole. The doors that are open at 6:30 p.m. cost Tickets 16 US dollars ($ 12 for members and 10 US dollars students/military). Tickets are available in advance at and at the door if they are not sold out in advance.

Before the demonstration, ticket holders can receive a discount on a meal for dinner in the Quahog Republic Leeside Pub, 29 Railroad Ave, Woods Hole.

“In a large part, this film is a portrait of a community and a way of life in rural Ireland, which remained largely unchanged until the coming of radio, television and telephones,” said advertising for the demonstration.

Gwenn Friss is the editor of Capeweek and Cover Entertainment, Restaurants and The Arts. Contact you at Enter the Cape Cod Times Free Facebook group, Good stuff in Cape Cod RestaurantsTo share tips and take part in food surveys.

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