
Tips to prepare for storms and make sure that your family is safe!

Nashville, Tenn. (WTVF) – We want you to be ready for everything that makes life on your way and with upcoming storms means that your family is prepared.

The first round of the storms is expected this evening.

If you have plans outdoors tonight or tomorrow, think of a backup if they are canceled. Tema officers do not exclude the possibility of nocturnal tornados and as we know they can be really sporadic. Stay up to date here. Switch on warnings on your phone.

If you have a weather radio this morning, it is a good time to make sure it has a full battery.

If you are visiting a few phases of the storm and not so familiar, remember: A tornado clock means that it is possible and a tornado warning means that it has been discovered and it is time to look for a safe, low lying space.

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Fundraising for the Tina Turner statue placed in the Brownsville Park

In Brownsville and Nutbush, TN, fundraising campaigns are collected to build a statue for a great superstar who grew up there, Anna Mae Bullock. You will probably know you with your stage name Tina Turner. I was a big fan of Tina and glad to see that efforts are underway to present more of their connections to West Tennessee.

-Lelan statom