
Tips to get your lawn a good start in 2025

The grass will grow again before you know. While you are out there and find out what winter has done to the landscape, you do a few lawn by removing matters of matters and removing garbage, fallen sticks and other winter waste.

If Voles have carved surface tunnels in the lawn over the winter, this dead grass can also be lifted and composted. Spread some new seeds towards the end of March to help recovery.

  • Read more about walls and lawn damage

If you have had problems with Crabgrass in recent years, early spring is the time to apply a granular crab grass preventer to take off a new outbreak. A good timing measuring device is when Forsythia -Büsche Peak Bloom (usually at the end of March to early April) met.

Crabgrass is a low, fast, grass -like weed, which is also a productive seeder and germinates in early spring, and a few years to summer, when the weather stays rainy.

The only good news is that Crabgrass is not hardy in our winters, which means that the plants die with frost.

Frequent chemical crab prevention is products with pendimethaline that benefit with triflural, Prodiamin and Dithiopyr.

Siduron is a chemical that prevents crab grass without damage to “good” grass – a choice for homeowners who try to plant new grass seeds and at the same time derive the crab grass.

Corn gluten meal is a bio -unskilled preventer. It is less effective than most chemical preventioners, but adds the soil to growth nitrogen and seems to work better if it is used for a few years over the course of the term.

Some lawn care experts recommend two treatments from crab grass prevention eight to 10 weeks at least in years that develop as a moisturizing jumping.

If you see spots in the lawn that are noticeably brown compared to neighboring greener spots, it could explain some things.

One is dead crab grass from last year. If it does not dissolve, Dead Crabgrass will collapse during the season and finally disappear. You can accelerate things by removing dead crab grass patches by hand.

Another option is grass types in warm seasons that have just not started growing.

Most lawns in Pennsylvania consist of Kentucky Bluegrasses, multi -year ryegrass and fine vibrations that grow their best under the cooler conditions of spring and autumn (ie grass varieties of the “cool season”.

The warm seasonal grasses, on the other hand, are more popular from Maryland to the south. These grazing types tolerate hot summer well without resting, but their downfall is that they become brown and resting when it comes to the first frost and only “green” again in May.

The two types, which are most likely to appear in Pennsylvania, are zoysia grass (a dense, carpet-like producer) and Bermudagrass (a rough grass that is common in southern states). Both appear more in our warming climate here.

Since Zoysia and Bermudagras are biologically similar to that in our cool season grasses, they cannot be selectively killed by a lawn herbicide. If you don't like them in your lawn with a cool season, you either have to dig out the patches or use a herbicide with kill alles as soon as the grasses have become green and started to grow. Then you can plant a new desired seed into the open space.

Otherwise patience is the solution.

Nimblewill looks like green grass in summer, but becomes brown in winter and is slowly “green”. This is what a piece of it looks like now.George Weigel

A third explanation for brown patches in the early lawn is nimble. This is a hardy, multi -year wiry grass that grows in tight, circular stains and spreads through surface runners and seeds.

There are two herbicides available for the control of Nimblewill, without harming the grass grass – mesotrion and toprame zone. According to Purdue University Turfgrass Science, they will be best used from the end of April and can take two or even three applications to completely exterminate the weed.

Otherwise, nimblewill patches can be dug or killed with a non-selective herbicide. The bare areas must then be added with new grass.

After all, a fourth option is snow protection. This is a fungal disease that shows as stains made of matted gray or pink gray.

The mushrooms, which thrive the stain in cold, moist and shaded conditions, i.e. under snow cover. Snow -forming spots are particularly common along the entrances, sidewalks and other areas in which people shoveled snow.

The good news is that somewhat healthy lawns almost always bounce back from snow forms.

The best thing you can do is to tear down the shaped blades to help the floor too dry and warm as quickly as possible.

Wait for more or two weeks to sow bare stains on the lawn and wait until May for the first fertilizer application of the season (provided you fertilize last autumn).

  • Read the George column over 11 things that go wrong on the lawn and how to be repaired
  • More if like tipisches tapes: George's “Pennsylvania month after monthly gardening” Book