
Buchholz flag football remains unbeaten at 7: 0

The Buchholz Bobcats soccer team defeated the host Gainesville Hurricanes 35: 12 on Thursday.

The visiting Bobcats (7-0) scored the first points of the game when Isabella Alexander with Taylor Booth connected to a medium range on a touchdown pass. Booth's second and end result of the game came when she catched up with a sensational one -hand catch. Booth also ended the game with a defense in defense.

Booth's performance was not a surprise when you consider that it leads the bobcats in touchdowns and interceptions with seven or ten lines. Her 10 interceptions are the third most common of one player in Florida.

Bobcats' persistent first half

The preservation of TouchDowns by Suzanne Bryne and Atera Clark and a lavish touchdown from Alexander, who came shortly before half -time, promoted the hot start of the bobcats.

After the Bobcats had only entered 20 points throughout the season, they continued their dominance by preventing the hurricanes (0-7) reaching the end zone before the break.

Too little, too late

Treazure Richardson finally put the Hurricanes on the scoreboard with a scramble, which at the beginning of the fourth quarter met a touchdown for a touchdown. However, the Bobcats answered when Dunae Chappell Richardson caught in the extra point attempt of the Hurricanes. Nazarri Allen achieved the second and last touchdown of the Hurricanes in the last game of the game.

Buchholz trainer Scott Jamison leads the success of the Bobcats to the efforts of his players.

“You are ready to work hard and do what needs to be done,” said Jamison.

When Jamison was asked about the upcoming spring holidays about his attitude. Nevertheless, he believes that the break will benefit his players and he is looking forward to the challenging matchups after the week.

Next on

Buchholz will compete at home against Newberry (3-2) on Tuesday, March 25th, at 6 p.m.